Study Guide
My calendar for the work left:
1) Blog Summary:
The final blog was finished today (June 2). I’ll compile all blogs and write the summary tomorrow (June 3).
The final blog was finished today (June 2). I’ll compile all blogs and write the summary tomorrow (June 3).
2) Quiz:
Notes have been taken from each lecture, but they are a bit messy. On Sunday (June 4), I’ll make a list of each small topics and people involved in those topics as an early preparation for the quiz. On June 7 and 8, I’ll review my notes, the lectures and readings to keep my memory fresh for the quiz on June 9.
Notes have been taken from each lecture, but they are a bit messy. On Sunday (June 4), I’ll make a list of each small topics and people involved in those topics as an early preparation for the quiz. On June 7 and 8, I’ll review my notes, the lectures and readings to keep my memory fresh for the quiz on June 9.
3) Final paper:
A) I’ve chosen the topic of maths and art. To be more specific, I want to write about the relations between maths and architecture. Today (June 2) and tomorrow (June3), I’ll do research on this topic and collect useful elements for the essay.
B) From June 4 to June 5, I’ll make an outline for my essay and group the information I have collected. Meanwhile, I’ll review this part of lecture and readings, and choose an artist related to my paper.
C) From June 6 to June 10, work on the writing part and ask for comments from my friends and possibly my TA to make reasonable changes.
D) On June 11, proofread the essay and submit.